
College Of Medicine


Programs Offered

Doctor of Medicine

Brief History

2024-present: Road towards the Transformation of Medical EducationReorientation to Primary Health Care, Research, Innovation and Internationalization


Dr. Rey Melchor F. Santos

Dean of the NEU College of Medicine

Master, Hospital Administration

General and Laparoscopic Surgeon

Past President of the Philippine Medical Association

Past President, Philippine College of Surgeons

Founding President, Philippine Association of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeons

Former Head, Department of Surgery, Veterans Memorial Medical Center

2022-2024: Transition to the “New Normal” and Valuing Mental Health and Well-being


Dr. Erman C. Fandialan

Past Dean, 2022 - 2024


Director for Education, Training and Research at the UERMMMC, Head of the Section of Neurology at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Major contributor in the field of Neurosciences

2019-2021: Resilience and Pride amidst the Covid 19 Pandemic Challenge


The late Dr. Genesis C. Rivera

Past Dean, 2019 - 2021

Executive Director, NEU-CMAHS, 2014-2019

Pediatrician, Musician (organist), Writer

Past President of the Philippine Pediatric Society

Described by APMC as “Pillar of Pediatric Education”

Founded the course on Medical Humanities at NEU (A first in Philippine Medical Education)

First Dean, NEU College of Music

2014- 2018: Foundation, Recognition and Honor


Dr. Teresita Tavu Estabillo

First Dean of the College of Medicine, 2014 - 2018


Former Head, FEU-NRMF Department of Radiology

Former Head, OLFU, Department of Radiology

100% PLE Performance of the Pioneer Graduates

Humble Beginnings of the NEU College of Medicine

PLE Performance: 2018 to 2024

Sep, 2019 to Nov, 2020

100% PLE Performance Rating of the NEU Pioneer Batch and continued 100% PLE Performance of succeeding batches

Oct 2021 to present

Maintaining the above National Passing Rate Performance as an aftermath of pandemic-influenced modalities in the MD Program

government Permit to Operate and Recognitions: 2014 to 2017

May 14, 2014

Government Permit to operate was granted by CHED. The first official Dean, in the person of Dr. Teresita Tavu-Estabillo was approved

May 14, 2014

Government Permit to operate was granted by CHED. The first official Dean, in the person of Dr. Teresita Tavu-Estabillo was approved

Dec 12, 2014

The New Era University-College of Medicine became an official member of the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges (APMC)

Oct 13, 2016

Visit of the Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQAT) to evaluate NEUCMD for renewal of permit to operate

Mar 9, 2017

Visit of the Technical Panel to evaluate compliance to RQAT recommendations

Sep 26, 2017

Issuance of renewal permit to operate the MD Program

May 31, 2017

RQAT visit for Government Recognition of the NEU-CMD MD Program

Aug 15, 2017

Visit of the Technical Panel to evaluate compliance to RQAT Recommendations

Sep 17, 2018

BOT Resolution No, 03, s. 2011, intent to establish, manage, maintain and open the College of Medicine at NEU-Main Campus

Establishing the NEU-College of Medicine: 2011 to 2014

May 26, 2011

1st visit of the Technical Panel for Medical Education was made with recommended steps for application to operate based on evaluation of initial documentations, organization, faculty and facility resources

Mar 24, 2014

2nd visit of the Technical Panel for Medical Education was made. Dr. Genesis C. Rivera led the construction plans for the Professional Schools Building to house the College of Medicine (CMD) and other post-graduate courses. He also created the innovative and transformative curriculum of CMD through its Medical Humanities program. Recruitment of Department Heads and faculty members satisfied the criteria set by the Technical Panel.


The NEU College of Medicine was given its Government Recognition on September 17, 2018. We are working towards qualifying for accreditation by PAASCU and the World Federation Medical Education once requirements are achieved

You have more than 120 faculty members at the NEU College of Medicine who are wellrespected in the arena of Medicine.

  ● Current and previous presidents of the Philippine Medical Association
  ● Previous members of the PRC Board of Medical Examiners and CHED or PAASCU accreditors
  ● Current and previous officers of various Specialty Boards and Academic Societies
  ● Board exam review experts
  ● Major contributors in, but not limited to, the formation of Clinical Practice Guidelines in TB, Kidney Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Health Issues, Primary Care Delivery, and the Covid 19 Pandemic Guidelines
  ● Technical working group members, policy makers, and consultants of the Philippine Universal Health Care Act No. 11223
  ● Faculty members who became Deans, Chairmen and leaders as well in other medical schools

You have a strong roster of professors, academic coaches, and career mentors who:

  ● Ensure that you achieve the right learning outcomes according to your needs

  ● Find ways when quality education and value for money are foremost considerations. The cost of medical education is at its peak. We understand

  ● Regardless of your NMAT ratings, can increase your chances of passing the physician licensure examination as your gateway to becoming “bona fide” MDs.

  ● Strive to make you surpass your future goals as a healer and leader in the field of medicine in order to be of greater servitude to your family, community, the country and the world.

To ensure a continuing quality assurance and improvement in the College of Medicine, each faculty member undergoes teaching performance evaluation, faculty training, and capacitybuilding programs. We wish to relevantly respond to your needs!

As our students, we are committed to strengthen in you the essence of becoming holistic and research-oriented physicians (at your chosen level of care), the best academicians, strongleaders or change-agents in our health systems. Your values, essence of human care, professionalism, ethical practice and people-skills are integral lifelong attributes and success indicators as future graduates of the NEU-College of Medicine.

With you, we continue to grow in the arena of medical education and support for human resource network for the health care system as we create our unique mark and status among the rising number of medical schools in the Philippines.



The New Era University College of Medicine envisions itself as a premier institutionof medical learning providing a unique Christian culture of excellence, discipline, compassion, empathy and service to humanity.


In the pursuit of our vision, the NEU College of Medicine commits itself to providingthe highest quality of medical education anchored on Christian values with theprimepurpose of bringing honor and glory to GOD.

Goals and Objectives: The NEU College of Medicine shall-

1. Lay down a solid foundation of the fundamental concepts of Medicineamongstudents by promoting mastery in every level of learning;

2. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will assist studentsintheir clinical decision-making;

3. Inculcate the importance of continuous and self-motivated life-long learningamong students and faculty by doing research and undergoing continuingeducation towards professional development;

4. Maintain the atmosphere of academic and professional excellence inthefieldof Medicine;

5. Continually upgrade, update and refine the teaching syllabi, materials andresources in accord to the rapid growth of knowledge in Medicine;

6. Contribute to the improvement of health status of chosen communities bydoingcommunity diagnoses and small-scale health programs using the whole-of- systems approach towards universal health care;

7. Open avenues for discoveries, researches and challenges to current modesof medical treatment and prevention and thus contribute to the growth of Medical Science itself;

8. Instill among the students the spirit of empathy, compassion, respect andhumaneness in dealing with patients regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, belief, gender and social status;

9. Encourage the growth of every student, faculty and staff as a spiritual, intellectual, social and physical being;

10. Continually grow and expand as an institution of learning and establishlinkagesamong local, regional and global medical communities and organizations; and, 11. Develop a spirit of empathy, love, teamwork and cooperation amongfaculty, staff and students by enjoining them in exposures to the underprivilegedthroughperiodic medical-surgical-dental missions and humanitarian aids.


The New Era University College of Medicine (NEU CMD) Curriculum Framework servesastheskeleton of the College of Medicine curriculum. Administrators, faculty and students canlookatthis framework and get a glimpse of the admission policies, courses per year level, andthekind of medical graduate the NEU CMD.

Courses unique to the NEU College of Medicine:

To answer materialism and loss of compassion gnawing the community of physicians,as well as the “dehumanization” of the medical profession, the curriculumincludes Medical Humanities courses from first year to the third year.

To “ de-hospitalize ” the practice of Medicine and to prevent the “ivorytower” mentality of hospital-based practice, the NEU CMD Curriculum highlights Community Medicine. The course traverses from first to fourth year, and includes community acculturation, community diagnosis, community education and health programs and reforms for the community to achieve a state of independent health sustainability. Students collaborate with the NEU-CCEL as part of this learning endeavor.

To foster inter-professionalism and “whole of systems“ approach in health care, Level 3 students transcend into the Multidisciplinary and Interprofessional Approach(2ndSemester) in understanding relevant health conditions up

To encourage contributive learning and the essence of corporate social responsibility, Level 4 students become part of the University’s efforts to ensure a“healthy school environment” by promoting health education and preventive measures among NEU students and employees in collaboration with the Health Department.

To create a culture of excellence, continuous medical education, and aculture of lifelong learning, a separate course on Research is founded on evidence-based medicine and traverses from 1st to 3rd year. A research colloquium serves as its culminating outcome.

Your 4-year Academic Path at NEU-CMD:

Overall, what makes the NEU-CMD Doctor of Medicine curriculum special is that we have been “Primary Health Care” ready since 2016 as shown in the course of Community Medicine coupled with the course on Medical Humanities, which strengthened servitude and integrity among its students!

To produce the best physicians, we are now moving towards expanding NEU’s local, regional and global collaboration in line with medical education and research.


The NEU CMD will cater to all deserving applicants who have-
(1) The intellectual capacity to handle rigors of medical training as evidenced by theGWAand NMAT of the applicant,
(2) The motivation and dedication to pursue a lifelong learning process as assessedintheinterview. Other qualities of equal importance are the applicant’s highdegreeofmotivation and emotional maturity in outlook.
(3) A sense of social and spiritual awareness and responsibility, as shown by proofsof voluntarism during the

“Who can enroll to the MD Program?”

Allied Health and Non-Allied B.S. Course Graduates are admissible to the NEUMD Program! We have already produced Licensed MDs who were BS graduates in Music and Engineering.

We are a non-sectarian medical school and are open even to non-INC applicants!

Working students can take medicine at a reasonable pace. Let’s look at your optionsby visiting the Office of the Dean.

“What minimum requirements are needed?”

Based on the CHED regulations, taking the NMAT is a prerequisite to applying for the MD Program with a minimum rating of 40% and valid for a period of 2 years. Submit acopy of your NMAT results for our evaluation.

Here are the other requirements for freshmen application:
1. Accomplished NEU College of Medicine Application Form
2. Official Transcript of Records
3. Certified true copy of NMAT results with score of 40%and above
4. Transfer Credential/Honorable Dismissal
5. Copy of Diploma as proof of Baccalaureate Degree
6. Certificate of General Weighted Average
7. Certificate of Good Moral Character
8. PSA authenticated Birth Certificate
9. Recent 2x2 ID Picture

“What processes will I go through as part of my selection, admission, and enrollment?”

For freshmen applicants, you are expected to Apply and Submit requirements, Get interviewed by the Dean: and if successful, Undergo Automate registration, then proceed for Admission and Enrollment. Physical and Psychiatric Examinations will bedone as a routinary process.

If you are a home-grown graduate of NEU, please see us at the NEU College of Medicine Administration Office at Room 208, Professional Schools Building for instructions.

For transferees from other medical schools and other concerns, pleaseset anappointment with the Office of the Dean for an initial interview.

“How many students are there in one class?”

On the average, there are about 20 students in a class allowing an ideal faculty to student ratio. Each student can be given greater attention and assistance.

“I graduated with Latin Honors, what scholarships can I avail of?”

 Summa cum laude 100% tuition fee discount
 Magna cum laude 75% tuition fee discount
 Cum laude 50% tuition fee discount

“Are there other forms of scholarships or financial assistance available?”

 if you applied for outside sponsors/scholarships, visit the Scholarship Department
 if you are a dependent of a faculty or permanent staff, visit the AccountingDepartment
 if you are entitled to Central/Church benefits, visit our Ministro na Tagasubaybay

“How much are the tuition fees and miscellaneous expenses for the MD Program?”

NOTE: Above rates was CHED approved as of October, 2024. An additional Ph10,850 fee for adjunct online learning subscriptions shall be added to the rates above this AY 2024-2025.


Classes are all Face-to-Face. To give you an idea, here is our weekly F2F class gridfor freshman level:

NOTE: We still maintain the NEUVLE as our learning management systemand the NEU-Lecturio for offline adjunct learning.


A. Student Support:

The Medical Student Council and its student-led activities are under the tutelageof the NEU Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) and the MSC-appointed faculty advisor

Dedicated time and day for Guidance Counseling and Ministerial Mentoring:
Level 1 - Thursdays, 3pm-5pm
Level 2 - Fridays, 7am-9am: Mondays 1pm-3pm (optional)
Level 3 - Thursdays, 9am-12nn
Level 4 - By appointment: During Guidance Office rotation and Exit Interviews

The Office of the Guidance Counselor is also open on other schedules for medical students upon request and by appointment.

Student Discipline is a unique culture under the guidance of the NEU Office of Student Discipline balanced with the observance of mandated policies that respect thewell-being of medical students as mature individuals

Interprofessional sustainable Community Programs are made in collaborationwiththeCCEL and College of Medicine, other Allied Health and non -Allied Health Courses of NEU. The Community is situated at Mascap, Rodriguez, Rizal. The Department of Community Medicine officially serves as the representative of the CMDDean’s Office to collaborate with the CCEL on this matter.

Involvement in Humanitarian Activities and University Initiatives

At present, CMD contributions and features are made thru the University Newsletter“Hudyat” and the NEU Infomedia Department for FB and Instagrampostings andNet25Television/Radio features. The College of Medicine (CMD) Newsletter is still inprogress.

Medical outreach voluntarism and humanitarian programs are channeledwiththe“LINGAP sa Mamamayan” activities of the FYM Foundation, while simpler INCGift-giving activities are done under sponsoring locales.

B. Career Path:

Career pathing is an aspect that Level 3 and Level 4 students partakeunder theCommunity Medicine Department. As part of their exposure, various agenciesarevisited.

It is hoped, that by passing through such training, the NEU CMDwill producea 5-star physician in its medical graduate who:

1. As a healthcare provider, will have the competence, excellence, compassionanddedication to serve humanity, primarily the Filipino people;

2. As an academician, will be equipped with the necessary skills, knowledgeandpassion to perpetuate the science and art of medicine by education and training of the next generation of doctors as well as to impart relevant medical information to the public;

3. As a researcher, will be intellectually-stimulated and challenged to contribute to existing pool of knowledge and treatment modalities;

4. As an administrator, will be empowered to supervise, coordinate, monitor andevaluate health programs that will benefit the community in a microscale, andpossibly the country through health reforms;

5. As a social mobilizer, will be grounded to the socio-cultural factors that affecthealth systems management, and able to catalyze health reforms by enjoining different sectors of the community.

C. Outcome of NEU graduates from 2019 to present:

Post Graduate Internship and/or Residency Training: VMMC, UERMMMC,DJRMH-Tala Hospital, V. Luna, QCGH, DOH program, RMC, CMC, SLU, BGH,Bataan Medical Center, DLSU Medical Center, Davao Doctors Hospital, DavaoMedical Center, MMSU, Villamor Airbase Hospital and more.

Specialist Training in Radiology, Pediatrics, Neurology, Internal Medicine,Obstetrics-Gynecology, Occupational Medicine

Academe and Research: Proacitve Faculty NEU Community MedicineandFoundational Disciplines

Primary Care and Hospitalists at New Era General Hospital

Public Health Systems: Masters in Public Health and DTTB programfinisher

Administrative: CMD Administration and Department of Education Training


If you wish to know more about the MD Program of the New Era University-CollegeofMedicine, you may reach out to us through any of the following:

Visit us at Room 208, College of Medicine, 2nd floor of the Professional Schools Building, New Era University, 9 Central Avenue, Quezon City
You may also virtually speak with our accommodating staff thru g-meet link:https://meet.google.com/cst-mqtn-nps
E-mail us anytime at medicine@neu.edu.ph
Send Text/SMS inquiry through us at 0905-5232039. Please include your full nameinthe message.

Office hours are from Mondays to Fridays, 8:00am to 5:00pm. We wouldbemore than happy to answer your questions. Thank you!